My Euro IA Summit plans

 by Martin Belam, 20 September 2008

This time next weekend I shall be preparing to give my presentation at the 2008 Euro IA Summit in Amsterdam: "Taking the 'Ooh!' out of Google - Getting site search right for news". The event is being held in the Tuschinski Theatre, which should be an experience.

Tuschinski Theatre

I'll be posting a few notes from the event here, and also doing a more thorough write-up for the Free Pint stable of publications who put together the FUMSI magazine that I contribute to. I'll be making my slides available on SlideShare, and a written version of my presentation will be available on this site later in October.

The sessions that I am hoping to attend include:

  • 'Why Information Architects are needed in the kitchen: Better content management through Information Architectue' by Ruud Ruissard
  • 'Integrating web analysis in the user experience design process' by David De Block & Erik Verdeyen
  • 'Content analysis: The hows and whys to understanding your content' from Chiara Fox
  • 'How do you re-design a business critical web application with billions of unique product?' by Floris Ketel
  • 'Getting the right ticket before the train leaves: The challenges of user-centred design for the Swiss Federal Railways' from Andrea Rosenbusch and Jacqueline Badran (Trains and IA in one presentation - I'll be in heaven!)
  • 'Change is inevitable. What Semantic Web and Web 3.0 mean for IA' by Claudia Urschbach
  • 'I'm not you - modelling and conceptualizing personalization in Information Architecture' by Bogo Vatovec
  • 'Concept design tools for Information Architecture' from Victor Lombardi

There are three schedule clashes that have me stumped. I'm going to have to miss James Kalbach in order to see Claudia Urschbach, and it is a tough call between Peter Van Dijck's talk on 'Taking social networks global' and Scott Weiss on 'Documenting Mobile 2.0 IA'. Most vexing is that my own presentation clashes with the BBC's Deanna Marbeck and Silver Oliver talking about 'URL design for Information Architects'.

Euro IA website

You can still register to attend the summit, which looks to have a very good and varied programme this year. To whet your appetite, you might fancy a re-cap of my notes from last year's Euro IA summit in Barcelona.

Are Halland's tag clouds

1 Comment

The venue is probably the loveliest art deco thirties theatre i could probably imagine for an internet/IA conference. I saw Marie Antoinette in there once. Shame you're gonna miss Silver.

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