Moving Servers...

 by Martin Belam, 13 November 2005

This is the obligatory test post to see if I have correctly installed Movable Type 3.2 on the new currybetdotnet server.

It seems to have gone relatively smoothly, the only problems I had were in second-guessing how mySQL was set-up, and then mistyping some paths in my config file.

Next step was to migrate the content in - which didn't look like it was going to be as easy as I hoped, but it turned out it was. My biggest problem now is that I can't convince Movable Type to write files with the correct permissions on them to allow this server set-up to display files ending in .php. I could just ditch the .php file extension, as it works fine generating other file endings - however that will break all the permalinks, which I'd rather not do for the second time.

I've also uploaded the static content, so all of the currybetdotnet articles are available again:

There are also about 60-odd entries from the static archive that I restored from the last time I shifted servers. I must say I'm glad to be back on a LAMP set-up again, I just feel more comfortable trouble-shooting any issues

Which is more than can be said for my brand new laptop, which is in some considerable distress

BSOD on my Dell

Everything I've read suggests a recurring problem with PartMgr.sys is bad :-(


Quite often a result of dodgy RAM.. Still, great thing about new toys, you can always return them! :)

>> Still, great thing about new toys, you can always return them!

Yes, provided you have enough time to get them replaced before you leave the country :-(

I've got a list of bits'n'bobs to unscrew and re-seat to see if that fixes the problem. Fingers crossed.

Keep up to date on my new blog