Audience Reaction To The BBC Homepage Nighty Night Promo

 by Martin Belam, 14 October 2005

A while back I wrote about the promotions for Nighty Night that have been running on the BBC homepage. The humour of the programme is of a strongly adult nature, and not something we would normally link to from the homepage, as it isn't suitable for a family audience. However as we are currently streaming the programme 24/7 over the net the editorial team have experimented with promoting it after the watershed, between 9pm and 4am.

When the promotions were running there was also a call-to-action asking users for their feedback - did they think this is the sort of programme that should be on the homepage? Today the BBC published some of the comments from the audience about it on the Points of View message board. By a margin of around 3-to-1 most people were in favour of the page being a bit bolder post-watershed.

Mind you, it is one of those examples that really shows up how much the current homepage is totally focussed on the UK - clearly what is the watershed over here is going to be peak-time somewhere "over there".

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