Visualising the Twitter stream from the #newsinnovation unconference
On Saturday I published a set of all the links I had extracted from tweets featuring the #newsinnovation hashtag on Friday during the News Innovation unconference. I thought I'd share some other ways I've played with that data.
The Twitterstream as a Wordle
This is all of the tweets that used the hashtag #newsinnovation rendered as a Wordle

News Innovation - as seen on Twitter
I've pulled out some of the highlights from the Twitterstream and strung them along into this video. It is the best bits of about 4-and-a-half hours of Twitter activity compressed into 4-and-a-half minutes.
Twitter avatar map
This image is compiled from the avatars of everyone I spotted tweeting with the #newsinnovation hashtag during the event - apologies if I missed you.

News Innovation Twitter data
Since a lot of the day was all about releasing data and showing your workings, I've shared my collection of tweets from the day as a Google Spreadsheet. You can find it here - #newsinnovation Twitter stream
During the course of this week I'll be publishing some of my notes and some of the video clips I made at the event.