Glastonbury Weather on the Homepage

 by Martin Belam, 24 June 2005

If you are looking for a 5 day weather forecast for Glastonbury please follow this link - BBC Weather

We made another slight tweak to the BBC homepage today to reflect our coverage of Glastonbury. Currently if you haven't set your postcode cookie, the default weather and local information shown in the 'Where I Live' panel has changed from Central London, to Glastonbury, Somerset.

Glastonbury Weather on the homepage

It's just a shame the weather forecast is currently saying "sunny", when the photos starting to appear on Flickr say "muddy"

River of Mud, Paul Hammond's photo of Glastonbury this morning

1 Comment

This confused me - I wondered how the temperature could drop from an estimated 31 in London to suddenly being 22 - all in less than the two hours it took me to drag myself along hot tube lines to west London. And where had the thundercloud gone?

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