Read-only currybetdotnet

 by Martin Belam, 10 January 2005

At the end of next week I shall be speaking in Amsterdam at the IP Lezing, put together by Informatie Professional, where I will be covering the topic of "Taxonomies and classification schemas within the BBC".

Before and after the conference I'll be having a few days holiday. That means I'll be switching off comments on the site for the duration. I'm sure my work in-box will be full enough when I get back, without having to worry about clearing out 14 days of comment spam from here. If you do want to add a genuine comment to an entry then you can email it to me at the contact address displayed below, and I shall upload them when I get back.

And whilst I'm gone, do yourself a favour and watch the remaining six episodes of "Death On The Staircase" on BBC Four.

Keep up to date on my new blog