links for 2009-11-26

 by Martin Belam, 26 November 2009
  • "This should be a lesson to anyone who would prefer their personal details not go on public display: Without end-to-end encryption, and perhaps even with it, your correspondence is vulnerable to interception and publication. And if you're the Secret Service responding to threats against the president, or FEMA organizing an evacuation to an underground bunker, why are you letting anyone with a $10 pager and a Windows laptop watch what you're doing?"
  • "If you're in the trenches of an organization, my advice is to stop acting like or listening to pundits. Stop looking for the next Twitter. Why? It's simple—because the odds are you already have plenty of projects and ideas with proven potential that you need to improve on without worrying about the next thing you'll start. Here are a few thought-starters based on observations I've made about all of 'yesterday's Twitters' that need some care and feeding before you start looking for the next Twitter". Suggests that most corporate websites, blogs and intranet could do with a little bit of love and a spruce up.
    (tags: twitter)
  • As ever, when you get to the bones of the story, is it health and safety caution gone mad as the headline and MP suggest, or is it because "despite Mr and Mrs Betts having a permit to place one ‘A-board’ on the pavement outside their shop, they have been placing three, blocking the way for pedestrians, people with prams, people in wheelchairs etc. They have also been attaching clusters of balloons, not only to the boards but also onto nearby lampposts."

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