Take the currybetdotnet survey

 by Martin Belam, 5 October 2009

It is inevitable that the arrival of @currybet_jnr will prove to be an exciting disruption in my usual life/work/blogging balance. The volume, frequency and quality of posts here is liable to be a bit erratic. Seeing as how I always advocate user-centred design at work, I thought I should take the same approach to currybetdotnet. I've put together a short survey to find out what type of content you find most interesting and useful on the blog, as well as asking a few questions about how often you read the site and how you find out about new posts. It'll take about 2 minutes to fill in, and the results will help me to shape the future of the blog. Thanks in advance for taking the time to fill it in.

Take the currybetdotnet survey...

currybetdotnet blog, October 2009

Keep up to date on my new blog