"Citizen Journalist" Photo On The Standard's Front Page
by Martin Belam, 7 September 2005
I'm quick enough to criticise the Evening Standard when I disagree with it, but I thought for a bit of balance I ought to give praise when it is due. The Standard yesterday did a great job in getting Wasim Maqsood's photographs of an incident on the Central Line onto the front page so quickly.

The article goes on to use Maqsood as the main source:
Mr Maqsood, a photographer, who took pictures as the police arrived, said he had seen two or three people on the floor of the carraige with the man standing over them, telling people he had lighter fluid and was going to set the train alight.
"The police came and shouted at the guy to get down but he was hitting the glass", said Mr Maqsood, "They sprayed CS gas at him and he collapsed"